Professional & Academic Administration
The administration of the professional and academic sector is done by a highly qualified panel of executives. Professional courses of study are designed and conducted by the top management while the academic education is planned and carried out under the supervision of an academic board appointed by the governing council. The preparation of curriculum, selection of student text books and conducting of term tests are comes under the purview of this board.

Career Guidance
The personnel attached to the top management provide initiatives in career guidance programs in government & private schools, public organization and other social welfare associations. Sharing valuable insights on winning the job market and steps on how to find the best suited job for yourself is the final outcome of our career guidance division. These programs have become very popular among the youth in the country.
University Placement
We also conduct external degree courses for students who wish to sit for local external degrees. Additionally we are affiliated with Malaysian University of Science and Technology (MUST) for the benefit of Sri Lankan students seeking higher education opportunities. You can enroll in the degree programs offered by MUST and face the exams at your convenience. Plans are set to expand the affiliations with foreign universities giving international educational opportunities of Sri Lankan students.

Quality Assurance
The main principle of the institute is to maintain higher quality in all its activities related to teaching, class room physical environment, student management, preparation of tutorials and conducting of examinations etc. Quality Assurance (“QA”) team always on alert, on how to improve the current level of service delivery. Suggestions, feedback and comments obtained from various sources are always analyzed and communicated for necessary actions by the relevant parties.
General Administration
The general administration is responsible for infrastructure development, resource procurement, building maintenance, and contractual services such as cleaning and security to ensure that effective and efficient support services are provided to students and staff and an environment conducive to academic pursuits is maintained.

We are armed with a special marketing division. Advertising is carried out by this division comprises of an excellent marketing team. The marketing team identifies and analyses the market needs and the demand. Accordingly, from time to time they launch different types of marketing programs. Good relationships with people and organizations largely contribute to promote the institute among all segments.
Finance, being the ultimate performance evaluator and monitor, always makes sure that our performance is clearly reflective to our stakeholders. Being a professional accountancy education provider, we always try to set examples on how an effective and efficient finance function shall operate. Our finance department is equipped with several qualified accountants from various accounting bodies, adding value and strengthening our responses to finance tasks.