welcome to
Jayasekera Management Centre

Pioneers in Professional Education
Welcome to Jayasekera Management Centre
JMC Jayasekera Management Centre was launched in 1972 with the sole and whole objective of reaching and maintaining the highest levels in the professional education sector. Since that point of time, during the past five decades we have made giant strides and reached milestones surpassing even our expectations so much so that we are now recognized as a most leading educational Institution producing towering performance results in Sri Lanka.
Start Now
We are all about getting it right the first time. Become JMCian today an start getting results! Send in your application for your preferred course or contact us. We are always there to attend to your query.
widespread island-wide, facilitating quality learning at your convenience. View the branch directory
ranging from accountancy to computing and from management to vocational studies
is the best evidence for the quality of learning we deliver. Pioneers always set industry benchmarks.
trust us with their future. Join us today with the pioneer and shape up your future as well!
Career with ICT
This is the information era. Having yourself equipped in the ever-changing world of ICT is a must to survive in today’s business environment. Our ICT faculty is ready to make you thrive and win the world. Our courses range from basic certificates to advanced diplomas. Starting your ICT career has never been easier!!
New Class Commencements
Starting dates for all the professional courses can be found here. We update these dates once they are finalized by our academic board. Current information on next exam dates issued by the relevant accounting bodies are considered to plan the class schedules. You can apply online to skip lengthy queues and quickly complete the registration.
CASL | 011 235 2000 | casrilanka.com |
AAT | 011 255 9669 | aatsl.lk |
CMA | 011 250 6391 | cma-srilanka.org |
IBSL | 011 257 3625 | ibsl.lk |
Some branches may apply slight changes to these due to availability reasons and to manage the demand. You can contact your nearest branch and verify the date for your convenience.

Recognizing Prize Winners of CASL Executive Level Sep 2017
The Dominant Leader in Chartered Accountancy, JMC has produced another Prize Winners in Chartered Executive Level 2017 September Examination by...

20th Anniversary JMC College International
JMC College International was established in 1998 with the sole objective of giving Education for the Next Generation. The school...

JMC, a place to obtain VIRUSARA benefits
Virusara Privilege is being introduced in order to expand welfare benefits and carry out them systematically with a transparency...